Meet your Councillors
Councillor Information 2024
Lisa Martin, Chair
Recreation Ground, legal advice, roads and transport, finance
Tel: 01428 715456
Declaration of Interest
Lisa grew up in Churt, leaving home for University and then working life in London. In 2007, she returned to live in the village with her own young family, enjoying the best of both worlds - the large open green spaces of Churt and the buzz of London (and beyond) for work. She works as a consultant in the transport planning and infrastructure space, striving to make towns and cities better places to live and work.
Lisa joined the Parish Council in 2018, keen to lend her professional experience to the Planning and Roads and Transport portfolios. Since December 2021, she has served as Chair of the Council. Having spent most of her life in Churt, she is keen to contribute to maintaining a vibrant village community for future generations to enjoy.
Dominic Raeside, Councillor
Recreation ground (Chair), playground, crime and disorder
Tel: 01428 714924
Declaration of Interest
Sally Shorthose,Vice Chair
Planning, recreation ground, legal advice, finance
Tel: 01252 790211
Declaration of Interest
I have lived in Churt with my husband Mike (and when not away, our grown up sons Matthew and Ollie) for 7 years, having first moved to the area more than 30 years ago. Churt is a special village; vibrant, friendly and so close to many beautiful areas.
We have become somewhat involved in village life, in concerts, safari suppers, delivering PPE around the county I am looking forward to becoming more involved and to share some of my experience by joining the CPC.
In my professional life, I am a senior partner at the international law firm, specialising in intellectual property and pharmaceutical regulatory law (less niche than it sounds!). I have also spent 11 years working as a lawyer in industry. Whilst based in London, I work from home regularly, and did so even pre-lockdown, and I expect this to remain the norm for me.
I been involved in several local activities and associations, including the Woolmer Hill Sports Association, where I was not only MD but looked after Sunday morning catering and have made an inordinate number of bacon/sausage sandwiches, and vats of chilli, over the years.
My hobbies include music, (singing, flute, piano), walking (usually with our enormous and affectionate dogs), entertaining (the more guests the better) , fine wine, cooking, rugby (watching and enthusiastic club supporter!) & current affairs.
Stephen Morgan, Councillor
I have lived in Churt with my wife Kate and three children for the past 16 years and previously 10 years in Frensham. We love the area and value the beauty of our local environment.
Now semi-retired, my day job is in support of our disabled son and in between trying to make use of the spare time I have now acquired, part of which I am delighted to contribute to our local community on the Parish Council.
Previously, my professional experience was in IT and Network sales and technical consultancy, mainly in and around London and with spells internationally.
Interests include anything to do with nature and our local environment, sailing at Frensham Pond, walking and cycling.
Recreation ground,
webmaster, IT matters,
Tel: 07891 900244
Declaration of Interest
Stephen Wright, Councillor
I have lived and worked in the area for more than 15 years. I am a geologist, and having worked in many countries now work in Farnham for an energy consultancy mainly working on projects in Africa, Middle East and Central Asia.
When not working I enjoy walking in the local area, gardening, learning woodworking skills and in learning about the local environment and history
Pippa Harrison, Councillor
Village Centre, Fete liaison
Tel: 01428 715463
Declaration of Interest
I have lived in the village for 21 years with my husband and 3 children. I previously lived in Godalming and Guildford so have always regarded myself a local to Waverley area.
I have worked for the past 10 years as a part time Administrator for a small Chartered Equine Physiotherapy practice since having children.
I joined a couple of committees in the village when we first moved here including the Fete committee, which I am now back on representing the Parish Council. I enjoy all aspects of village life and try to help when and where I can.
I enjoy the country life and love spending time with our horses and dogs on the beautiful common land we have surrounding us.
Julian Spence, Councillor
Environment (Chair), emergency plan, finance, Wicket Wood, Farnborough
Tel: 01428 713780
Declaration of Interest
I was brought up in neighbouring Frensham but have lived in Churt for the last 24 years with my wife and two children.
For most of those years I was working working full time in London, latterly as Chief Risk Officer and then Chief Operating Officer for a major reinsurance company. However, now I have retired and the children have left home I am relishing the opportunity to help the village community.
I am a keen walker and cyclist and believe we are only custodians of this beautiful countryside and have a duty to our children and grandchildren to keep Churt the special place that it is.
I have recently been elected Waverley Borough Councilor for the Hindhead Ward.
Myra Johnson, Councillor
Planning (Chair), environment, Wicket Wood, recreation ground, Farnborough
Declaration of Interest
A resident of Churt for some 40 years, I worked in business process, systems and information management roles for ICL, Xerox and Imperial College. Now retired, I am delighted to have more time for voluntary roles as a governor of St. John’s School, a member of Surrey Wildlife Trust and as a Churt Parish Councillor, focussing on environmental matters and the Net Zero for Churt initiative. I am also very pleased to have more time to enjoy the outstanding natural environment that surrounds Churt.
Concern for the environmental issues which we face globally prompted me to study Natural Science and Environmental Science topics with the Open University when I retired. I am a great believer in ‘think global, act local’ and that each and every small thing that we do to help the environment makes a difference. Our Churt Parish Council Environmental sub-group works in partnership with local organisations and with Waverley Borough Council, which has recently declared a climate change emergency that requires urgent action to reduce carbon emissions, conserve biodiversity and create a greener, more sustainable place to live.
Mike Shorthose
Village Strategy, Finance, Playground
Tel: 01252 790211
Declaration of Interest
I have lived in Churt for over 10 years and have been in the area since 1989. Over the years, as well as bringing up our two boys with Sally, I have been involved locally with Haslemere Rugby Club (I was chairman for a number of years) and St John’s School as a Governor until last year. In addition to my Parish responsibilities, I am the Treasurer of Grayshott Concerts.
Professionally I work in the aviation industry having built a consultancy business in the air traffic management and airport sector.
When Sally and I moved to Churt we were attracted by its strong sense of community. I am passionate about ensuring Churt continues to grow as a successful and sustainable rural community working in harmony with the larger towns in Waverley.
Dawn Barrow, Clerk to the Council
Dawn has been a Churt resident since 2000 and in that time has been actively involved in many aspects of village life. She is currently Chair of the local Amdram society as well as Parish Clerk.
Originally trained as a chartered surveyor in London, Dawn has been married to Roddy since 1991, has 3 grown up children and a menagerie of animals including 2 horses, 3 dogs, a parrot and a hand reared seagull!!!
Waverley Borough Councillors
James Staunton, Waverley Councillor
James Staunton is the founder of Air Cover PR, a corporate PR consultancy specialising in thought-leadership and the creation of research content.
James started out at PriceWaterhouseCoopers before becoming an analyst at financial PR firm Tulchan.
Having shifted into reputation management, he started at the Wriglesworth Consultancy in 2006 and was appointed to the board in 2013. Having bought into the firm, when Wriglesworth was sold in January 2015, James became a partner in the new parent group, Instinctif.
He set up Air Cover PR in 2020, following the purchase of Instinctif Partners by LDC, the private equity arm of Lloyds Banking Group from previous backers Vetruvian.
He became a borough councillor in 2023.
David was elected as a Waverley councillor in a by-election in May 2022. He has lived in the ward
for over 30 years and has had a long career as a local councillor in Farnham, culminating in a spell as Chairman of Surrey County Council 2013-15. He was Surrey’s Police and Crime Commissioner 2016-2021.
He is active in local community affairs, serving as a volunteer in the Frensham Village Shop and as Treasurer of the Village Lunch. He is also a Trustee of Farnham’s youth project, 40 Degreez, and of the Surrey Minority Ethnic Forum.
In his spare time he cycles, walks and rings church bells.
David Munro, Waverley Councillor
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Waverley Borough Councillor