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Churt Parish Council

A parish is the smallest administrative unit within the hierarchy of local government i.e. counties, districts and parishes. Churt is one of 18 parishes within Waverley Borough in the County of Surrey.  They are elected bodies and have variable tax raising powers. Parish councils are responsible for areas known as civil parishes and comprise 9 elected members (in Churt) with Elections held every four years. 

Churt Parish Council meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 7.30 p.m in the Pavilion on the Recreation Ground. Meetings are open to the public. Agendas for meetings are posted on the notice board outside the village hall and at the Pavilion.


Applications are invited from those wishing to contribute to this important community activity.


A person qualifies for co-option if he/she is a British subject, a Commonwealth citizen or a Euronational; is over 21 and is an elector.   He/she must also have resided in the Parish or within three miles of it during the entire twelve months before the date of co-option.


Applicants should apply to the Clerk to the Council, Dawn Barrow,on


They may wish to include in their application any or all of the following:


  • A description of any relevant skills, experience or interests

  • A note of any aspect of the Council's work which particularly interests them


  • Any other comments to support their application


Should applicants wish to discuss any matter before making an application they may do so by telephoning the Clerk.


The Council will consider applications at its next Parish meeting.

Meet Your Councillors
Meet Your Councillors
Agendas and Minutes
Agendas & Minutes
Council Newsletters
Council Newsletters
Dates of Meetings
Dates of Meetings 2022

Public Access Defibrillator

Churt has been one of the first villages in Surrey to install a Public Access Defibrillator. Using a Defibrillator in the first 5 minutes can increase the chance of survival following a Cardiac Arrest by 50%. 

A Public Access Defibrillator has been installed on the wall of the Village Hall, near the main door.  

The links below give more information.

For information about the campaign to install de-fibrillators click here

For how to use the machine click here

For an easy-to-understand chart click here

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